Maxwell Uppal
Introduction to Computer Science
Graphical Image Manipulation Program
Adobe Premier Pro - Short Film
I have been using GIMP in my Introduction to Computer Science course, and have gotten quite good at it. I got 2 sprites and a background and edited them both. I put them onto a poster for a short film I will create later in the course.
I have been using Adobe Premier Pro in my Introduction to Computer Science course a lot recently. It is a really cool program where I put together all of my films scenes and audio effects together into one. I even added a voiceover and rolling credits for my outro and intro! Go watch my short film Before Sunrise, and the Vlog of how I created it below!
See How I Made My Movie!
Final Poster
Raw Hooded Figure
GIMP Poster
Final Poster
Download GIMP!
Get sound effects from Pixabay!
Download Premier Pro
Short Film, Before Sunrise!
Python Programming (Python Institute)
In Introduction to Computer Science, I have recently been working in Python Institute. I have learned the basics of programming in Python and it has actually been quite interesting. I am finishing the introduction course in Python Institute and should be pushing to take the exam soon. If you are interested in programming Python is a great language to learn and Institute is a great way to learn it. I highly recommend you use it.
Strings - Words or numbers that will be printed as is by putting quotation marks around them or using str() function.
Integers - Whole numbers that can be used to perform mathematical functions can be made into integers with int() function.
Booleans - Functions that can be answered with true or false by Python which can be used for if or while statements.
Floats - Returns a floating-point number
Variables - Letter or word with a value or string attached to it
Concatenation - Combining variables and integers into strings
while() - While boolean is true it repeatedly runs your program
if() - If a boolean is true it will imbed into the statement and perform the code within the if statement